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Climate Action

Climate Action

“We recognise that our business has an important role to play in protecting and enhancing the environment for future generations and to help secure the long-term sustainability of the Tourism Industry”

To this end The Neville Hotel Group is committed to taking the following action;

• To achieve sound environmental practices across our entire operation and achieve third-party environmental certification recognition by the end of 2024
• To review and update this Policy annually and report on our progress in achieving our Goals and Targets
• To create an Environmental Action Plan setting out our planned actions - current and future
• To comply fully with all relevant environmental legislation
• To minimise our waste with a specific focus on minimising Food Waste, Single Use Plastics and Landfill
• To monitor and reduce our water consumption 
• To Reduce, Reuse & Recycle the resources consumed by our business wherever practical
• To develop and implement a Green Purchasing Policy that actively favours local and responsibly sourced goods and services• To invite our customers, suppliers and contractors to participate in our efforts to protect the environment
• To provide all employees with the training and resources required to meet our objectives
• To openly communicate our policies and practices to interested parties
• To monitor and record our environmental impacts on a regular basis, develop KPI’s and compare and report on our performance with our policies, objectives and targets


Major Targets & Objectives

We are in the process of measuring our emissions through 2024 and will use these as our baseline KPI’s, recognising at the same time national mandates to reduce carbon emissions.

Carbon Emissions

To reduce our Carbon Equivalent Emissions (CO2e) by 35% by 2025 and by 75% by 2030, based on 2018 emissions and allowing for the use of renewable energies.

Energy & Water Consumption

Following the development of our baseline measurements we will set realistic reduction targets in absolute energy consumption and will detail these along with our planned actions with specific targets dates of 2025 and 2030


Following the development of our baseline measurements we will set realistic reduction targets in absolute energy consumption and will detail these along with our planned actions with specific targets dates of 2025 and 2026 – with the objective to better national KPI’s 

Green Purchasing

We will measure our Local and Sustainable sourcing of goods and services and identify opportunities to grow the % of these with a strong focus on local procurement.

Our interim key goals are to minimise excessive packaging and reduce Single Use Plastics as much as feasible, particularly in customer areas

Community Social Responsibility

To support a local school in their Green Flag Environmental Activities

To engage in a local “Clean Up” frequently in conjunction with the Tidy Towns Competition